Real Estate Leader’s Guide to GRESB: Sustainability Data and Performance

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Learn how to improve your GRESB score with data.
Real estate sustainability benchmarks like GRESB cover the full spectrum of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards that evolve from year to year.
As a GRESB Real Estate partner, we recognize the role data plays in developing sustainability targets, making progress, and ultimately achieving your sustainability initiatives.
With the right data solution you can improve your company’s current GRESB performance, identify opportunities to improve ESG performance in your portfolio, and leverage sustainability to drive value for your fund.
Download this free guide to learn how to:
- Simplify sustainability reporting.
- Collect accurate, verified data.
- Use data to support tenant engagement.
- Improve your GRESB score.
- And more!
Complete the form to access the “Real Estate Leader’s Guide to GRESB: Sustainability Data and Performance.”

See How It Works
Maximizing GRESB points involves improving sustainability across real estate portfolios through data-driven ESG practices, energy efficiency, sustainable design, tenant and community engagement, strong governance, and transparent communication with stakeholders. These strategies help enhance GRESB scores, sustainability credentials, and investor appeal.