Simplified Sustainability Reporting for Industrial Real Estate

Automate data collection and sharing across your portfolio using innovative smart meter technology verified by GRESB.

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increase in repeat purchases


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Ebook - Sustainability and Savings at Scale


kWh Monitored Annually


Therms Monitored Annually


Gallons Water Monitored Annually


Number of Assets Monitored
graph moving up with plant as arrow

Solving the Challenges of Triple Net Leases

Collecting utility bills from tenants is a thing of the past. Redaptive ONE is a complete hardware and software sustainability data acquisition solution that simplifies sustainability reporting. 

With Redaptive ONE, triple net leases are no longer a challenge. Sustainability leaders can access data in real-time, allowing them to identify sustainability opportunities and ultimately improve the value of their portfolio.

  • Comprehensive Measurement: Captures electric, water, and natural gas consumption.

  • Scalable: Can be quickly deployed across an entire portfolio without disturbing tenants. 

How Redaptive ONE Enhances Your Portfolio

  • Increases Data Coverage

    Acquire electric, water, and natural gas data for every site in your portfolio.

  • Improves GRESB Score

    Measure consumption granularly and accurately with innovative smart meter technology approved by GRESB. Redaptive's smart meters ensure you earn the maximum score for data coverage, quality, and granularity.

  • Facilitates Tenant Engagement

    Foster open communication with tenants by sharing energy insights, identifying energy-saving opportunities, alerting them of water leaks, and unusual consumption patterns.

  • Increases Portfolio Value

    Studies indicate funds that participate in ESG benchmarking outperform non-participating funds, and improved GRESB scores are linked to higher returns.

Energy and Data Solutions


WPT Capital - Case Study

With whole building energy monitoring, WPT Capital was able to overcome their challenges for ongoing ESG and GRESB reporting. In addition, they have saved 50% in monitoring costs and use that data to engage with their tenants. 

More Than Metering

Redaptive is your partner in sustainability. Not only does Redaptive help real estate companies unlock sustainability reporting through data, Redaptive also provides capital and project resources to accelerate sustainability initiatives and increase the value of your portfolio. 

Program Management

End-to-end program management that includes meter design, installation, device networking and configuration, as well as ongoing maintenance and support.

Workflow Automation

Redaptive ONE automates data collection, aggregation, and sharing to Energy Star Portfolio Manager, making reporting quick and easy.

Opportunity Identification

Redaptive's AI technology identifies energy project opportunities to inform Net Zero Planning and improve asset performance.

Customized Solutions

concept of solar panels on roof

A Resource to Engage Tenants

  • Amenity access to utility analytics via Redaptive ONE empowers tenants with transparent consumption insights.

  • Our dedicated consulting support team identifies cost-saving opportunities. 

  • Energy as a service (EaaS) supports robust tenant engagement programs by identifying project opportunities and win-win solutions for sustainability. 

The Redaptive Difference


Renewable Upgrades

We provide the expertise, resources, and management needed to install energy and renewable upgrades, including:

  • HVAC
  • LED Lighting
  • Solar 
  • Facility Optimization


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Fully Funded Model

Innovative and flexible capital alternatives for project funding:

  • No outlay required upfront
  • Off-balance sheet treatment
  • As-a-Service Risk Transfer, including  performance, incentives, and maintenance
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Data Solutions and Analytics

Redaptive ONE enables accurate, granular data collection enabling businesses to:

  • Generate sustainability reporting
  • Identify no-cost efficiency opportunities,
  • Quantify the impact of new project opportunities
  • Monitor and verify the cost savings of executed projects.
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Speed & Scale

We help businesses complete enterprise-wide projects in a fraction of the time it would take them on their own.

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Trusted by Industry Leaders

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